Expandeo.com privacy policy

Below you will find information about what data we process and why. All our processing is in accordance with the GDPR regulation.

What data do we process?

Expandeo.com processes the data you provide to us through cookies. This data helps us improve our services and provide you with the best possible online experience.

What data do we NOT process?

We do NOT process any personal data on our website such as:

  • Name
  • E-mail
  • Address
  • Birthdate
  • Religion data
  • Health condition

Or any other sensitive information

Why do we process data from cookies?

Cookies help us:

  • To improve the user experience on our website
  • Analyze traffic and visitor behavior on our site
  • Optimize our advertising campaigns

Consent to the use of cookies

The user agrees to the use of cookies by continuing to browse the website. If the user does not want cookies to be used, they can deactivate them at any time in their browser. Please note that some cookies may be stored by third parties with whom Expandeo.com cooperates.

How long do we keep data from cookies?

We keep the data obtained through cookies for the time that is absolutely necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they were collected. Most cookies have an expiration time after which they are automatically deleted.


Do you have questions or concerns regarding the processing of your data on our website? Contact us at the email address: [email protected].

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